Spaying and neutering your pet is a valuable step that pet owners can take to help control the dog and cat population. Overpopulation is a major issue for these animals, and all too many are not adopted and must be euthanized. Spaying and neutering helps to reduce populations so that fewer animals will suffer this fate.

Aside from population control, there are also a number of medical benefits for your pet from these procedures.

Medical Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

Spaying Female Pets:

  • Lowered risk of breast cancer and reproductive system cancers
  • They won’t go into heat and menstruate
  • No howling and anxious behaviors during heat cycle

Neutering Male Pets:

  • Reduced chance of prostate issues and testicular cancer
  • Reduced aggressive behavior
  • Reduced tendency to roam away from the house and yard
  • Less likely to mark their territory in destructive ways

Procedures for spaying and neutering your pet have been refined and perfected over the years and are much safer than they were in the past. Although any surgical procedure has some risk of complications, for most pets, it will be a routine procedure with few if any complications.

Spaying and neutering procedures for your dog or cat are also quite cost-effective, especially when compared with caring for an unexpected litter of puppies or kittens. The health benefits brought by spaying and neutering are also well worth the cost of the procedure.

While adult animals can be spayed and neutered at any time, the usual age for young cats is around 8 weeks and for dogs it is around 6 to 9 months. However, there may be other factors to consider for each animal; consult your veterinarian in Edmonton, about the ideal time for a spay procedure or neuter procedure, for your dog or cat.

Care and Considerations Following a Spay or Neuter Procedure

Your South Edmonton veterinarian will inform you of the necessary pre- and post-surgery steps you should take after the spay procedure or neuter procedure. Generally, the pet should not have food in the hours leading up to the surgical procedure.

After the procedure, some of the likely aftercare steps will include:

  • A Safe Space – Provide pets with a hiding place where they can rest and recover without being disturbed.
  • Elizabethan Collar – Have the pet wear an Elizabethan collar so that they will be unable to lick, scratch or bite at their stitches while the wound is healing.
  • Limit Movement – Do not play or roughhouse with your pet for two weeks following the procedure to help promote a full healing. Remove items that cats normally climb on so that they don’t overexert themselves and open the wound.
  • Avoid Wetness – Do not bathe your pet or allow them to get wet in the 10 days following the procedure.
  • Monitor Progress – Check the incision site daily to ensure it is healing properly and not showing signs of infection or excessive swelling.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Edmonton Veterinarian

Your veterinarian in Edmonton Ellerslie Pet Hospital is experienced in dog and cat spaying and neutering. We use state of the art equipment and provide a friendly, comfortable environment for both pets and their owners. Trust our South Edmonton veterinarians at Ellerslie Pet Hospital for your pet’s spay or neuter procedure. Contact us at (780) 702-7738 if you have any questions, or to schedule an appointment.